Electronic Specialties Fuse Buddy Dmm Adapter - ATC Blade
Electronic Specialties Fuse Buddy Dmm Adapter - ATC Blade
Order No. ESI-303B

List Price: $32.10Price: $14.90
Availability: Stock Low, Order Now
  • Blowing Fuses? Plug in the FUSE BUDDY and read circuit amperage draw on your DMM.
  • Adapts your DMM to plug directly into ATC Blade fuse socket.
  • Original fuse is replaced in-line during testing, thereby maintaining circuit protection.
  • Makes circuit testing easier, FUSE BUDDY adapter end is shaped like a fuse.
  • Ideal for electrical troubleshooting at the fuse box.
  • Can be used to measure all circuit draws up to 20 Amps.
  • Can even be used to test parasitic drains (battery drains).
  • Measuring range is determined by your DMM – most DMM’s have a 10 Amp or 20 Amp test range.
  • Measuring Capability: 0 – 20 Amps / 48V DC or AC.
  • Weight (lbs): 0.50
  • Case Quantity: EA